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A Masterclass on Staff Engagement from The Queen

A Masterclass on Staff Engagement from The Queen

It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to steal a top-class formula from a pro for managing people. And it’s not every day that it comes straight out the pages of the fairy tale that is the British Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II provided a great...
Emotional Intelligence, The Most Important Skill A Middle Manager Can Have

Emotional Intelligence, The Most Important Skill A Middle Manager Can Have

What Is Emotional Intelligence Again? One of my favourite subjects is emotional intelligence, or EQ. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but you might not be clear on what it is – or how it’s part of every interaction you ever have. At work, home and school. Down the pub,...
Personality Profiling – Your Number One Management Tool

Personality Profiling – Your Number One Management Tool

If you’ve been a manager for any period of time, I’m guessing you’ve had a day like this:x  recruiting for that vacant role for the third time in 6 months. Yet again, it’s a pile of resumes from the desperate and dateless  x  there’s a faint smell of a grass fire...