0413 992 378 hello@libbyo.com.au
Personality Profiling – Your Number One Management Tool

Personality Profiling – Your Number One Management Tool

If you’ve been a manager for any period of time, I’m guessing you’ve had a day like this:x  recruiting for that vacant role for the third time in 6 months. Yet again, it’s a pile of resumes from the desperate and dateless  x  there’s a faint smell of a grass fire...
Data Doesn’t Lie – Are You Walking Your Talk On Social Inclusion?

Data Doesn’t Lie – Are You Walking Your Talk On Social Inclusion?

If you’ve been following my series of posts on how to talk to colleagues about the social issues currently flooding the world, you’ll know that supporting everyone to speak openly about discrimination and marginalisation encourages employees to be authentic. Employees...
Increase Productivity and Engagement and Decrease Staff Turnover By Addressing The Racism Blind Spot

Increase Productivity and Engagement and Decrease Staff Turnover By Addressing The Racism Blind Spot

Put your hand up if you DON’T want to feel a sense of being understood and belonging? Silence? Thought so! This is one of the reasons why the #BLM movement has gathered such strong momentum. The way George Floyd died sparked empathy, which led to an understanding by...