0413 992 378 hello@libbyo.com.au

Hi, I’m Libby O.

I get a buzz out of coaxing people towards a solution and watching the lightbulb appear above their head when they discover it!

I’ve got desert dust and cotton heads running through my veins

I’ve lived and worked in regional and remote Australia almost all my life. I understand the unique challenges faced by organisations in the bush. 

I’ve been managing staff for almost my entire career and I’ve made some colossal mistakes!  However, the trained life coach in me loves that, because it gives me fodder for reflection and improvement – to your benefit!

I like my life down to earth and meaningful.

I like my work full of complexity and passion mixed with a big dose of strategic smarts.

I like my people compassionate, respectful and straight up.

I like my environment beautiful with a hint of challenge.

I’ve been privileged to work in some extreme spaces such as the Himalayas in Nepal and remote aboriginal communities in Central Australia.  That breeds a strong resilience, a creative approach and a natural flexibility that shines through in everything I do.

I’m the one with the wide eyes, the big fat smile and the rolled up sleeves, chafing at the bit and ready to have a go.

What Clients Say

My clients love working with me because I find everyone interesting and inspiring, I learn from them all.  They claim they tell me things they don’t tell anyone else.  They tell me I’m an inspiration in how I live and how I coach.  They tell me I help them to discover how they can do things differently and that they get results.  They tell me I communicate well and I tell them they make me laugh!

Where I’ve Been

I often describe my “work” as a fusion of the reoccurring themes in my life:


  • 30 years of management
  • 20 years of being involved in personal development
  • 40 plus years of vocational coaching and teaching
  • More than a decade of working in remote NT, WA and SA
  • Being a Certified Coach with Global Success Academy
  • A lifetime of living big

I have worked:

  • With Aboriginal organisations across human services and the arts
  • In governance and community relations helping Aboriginal elders to build strong communities
  • For local and federal government
  • For NGOs
  • In my mum and dad’s small businesses
  • In private enterprise and small business
  • In the Nepal Himalayas where I taught English to, and lived with 90 monks on a volunteer basis 
  • Lived with 70 teenagers from Aboriginal communities and towns all over the NT

In a former career I worked with Heads of State and Heads of Government at Parliament House in Canberra (yes, I’ve met some seriously swanky people) and in the fast paced and cut-throat media industry.  I’m equally happy in a pair of high heels as I am in jeans and a tee, as long as the company is real and I can slip my high heels off when I sit down. 

Book a call to see how I can help your team.

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You can always change your mind later.


TAKSINDU PTY LTD trading as Libby O
PO Box 2710
Darwin City NT 0801
ABN 31 490 458 398