0413 992 378 hello@libbyo.com.au





Support for managers and teams to discover their best

Accountability for senior managers who demand results

Corporate Coaching

Organisational coaching is the most dependable path for organisations and professionals to address any manner of workplace challenges; performance, efficiency, interpersonal skills, emotional competency, leadership, confidence and engagement to name a few. My approach borrows practices from Fortune 500 companies and tailors them for application to regional and remote organisations.

Management Courses

Any organisation is only ever as strong as its management team, and when it comes to regional and remote organisations, and the unique challenges they face, this can not be more true. My experiential courses for new and emerging managers focus on the skills most of us don’t learn at uni. The skills that build strong managers and resilient teams. The essential skills that enable a new manager to lead with confidence.

Our Courses are currently closed,
but we’ll still come to you to
deliver a workshop that fits your needs.


2023 is, without a doubt, the year of change!

How exciting, we say!!!!

As the year races past, across the globe, we’re seeing how vital it is to retain good staff, attract new bright stars, develop the developable and part ways with those who want to do the chicken dance while you’re choregraphing your fabulous Flamenco.

Political, health, cultural and economic forces are demanding we adapt – at lightning pace.

The team at Libby O is responding by developing new products fit for the times and your real-world challenges, whether that’s training courses, in-house workshops, online events or private coaching.

We’re currently out in the world looking for fresh, best-practice ways to help you to help your communities.

If you’re a manager who understands that to work smarter you need to move with the times, why not join our community of like-minded rural and regional men and women as we explore the edges of the new normal together.

Our face-to-face services can be delivered across the NT, in remote SA and through Northern NSW.


Why Corporate Coaching?

The daily challenges faced by organisations in regional and remote Australia are different those experienced in the cities.

We deal with the usual challenges, but the added pressures of distance, resources, a limited workforce and less professional development opportunities make managing regional organisations and teams unique.  We need to find smarter ways of managing, because no matter how hard we work, overcoming those challenges can be a relentless and tireless task. 

Corporate coaching can help regional and remote executives and teams navigate a way through challenges, to meet KPI’s and deliver organisational and individual success. 

If you’re committed to moving your organisation, team and career forward, read on to find out how.

Latest Insights

Why Managers Avoid Having Difficult Conversations

Why Managers Avoid Having Difficult Conversations

Avoiding tough conversations is the root cause behind most of the issues plaguing managers, teams and organisations. Why do so many of us dread them? We look at one CEO’s experience to unpack why.

Happy Clients

Very intuitive and brave, Libby tells it straight to those who are willing and able to hear her.
– Tim James

Alice Springs

Working with Libby has given me a toolbox and allowed me to strategically come up with a plan to improve my business.
– Lisa Perry

Reality Bites Catering, Alice Springs

Libby has been able to engage me with a version of myself I thought never existed. Assisting to build the bridge between my current self and the business executive role I was entrusted with, drawing on my character to remain without being lost in the business world.

– Georgina Cohen

CEO, Rekindling The Spirit

Libby’s lived understanding of the culture and challenges of regional Australia means that she can tailor solutions that are more relevant and applicable than a coach from a big city.

– Amy Frew

Deputy Managing Solicitor – Civil, North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA)

Libby has an amazing ability to hold the space and impart her knowledge so that people can become a better version of themselves. She is insightful, fun, caring and supportive.
– Paul Moxham


Libby has a knack of making you feel comfortable. She is an individual. She remembers personal things, who you are and where you’re from.
– Martina Whistler

North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, Alice Springs

I enjoy learning from you – you have a really calming, understanding, and insightful nature and I learn a lot each time I sit and work with you. Thank you!

– Claire Ryan

Administration Coordinator, CAWLS

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From time to time I send out morsels that help you work smarter, not harder; hints and tips, research and statistics from the masters who study this stuff or early bird specials on upcoming courses.

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You can always change your mind later.