Ever made a major gaff in the office and caused someone offense? Gotten into a heated discussion where you let off a little too much steam – and right in front of the boss? Or had a staff member who pushes your buttons and makes you do things you later regret? ...
It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to steal a top-class formula from a pro for managing people. And it’s not every day that it comes straight out the pages of the fairy tale that is the British Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II provided a great...
Check out the woman third from the right in the front row. This pic was on the front page of The Australian in 2008. That’s me in the chamber of the House of Reps in Parliament House, watching Kevin Rudd’s apology to Australia’s Stolen Generations. My strongest memory...
One of the easiest ways to recognise emotional intelligence or EI, is by seeing what it’s definitely not.And the gold star example of that is David Brent from the British version of The Office. You remember him – boasting about a promotion in front of staff who have...
There are a million articles around at this time of the year on making New Year’s resolutions, so I’m not going to bore you with yet another. Besides, I think there’s a better way to create the 2021 you want without them. It’s a highly effective alternative that has...
If you’ve been a manager for any period of time, I’m guessing you’ve had a day like this:x recruiting for that vacant role for the third time in 6 months. Yet again, it’s a pile of resumes from the desperate and dateless x there’s a faint smell of a grass fire...