0413 992 378 hello@libbyo.com.au

There are a million articles around at this time of the year on making New Year’s resolutions, so I’m not going to bore you with yet another. Besides, I think there’s a better way to create the 2021 you want without them.

It’s a highly effective alternative that has worked for me and many of my coaching colleagues – and you know what coaches can be like with goals!

Consider setting a theme for 2021.

At the commencement of 2017, knowing my son was on the precipice of leaving the nest, my theme for the coming year was ‘Let Go’. I ran that message 24/7, in everything I did that involved him. I created a mantra that focused on it, my passwords contained some reference to it, and I put notes in the pockets of my clothes reminding me of it. Yep! There was the occasional washing machine disaster but that just served as a reason to laugh at myself and a reminder of what would happen if I didn’t follow my own advice.

The results were outstanding and not just in relation to my son.

If New Year’s resolutions don’t work for you, try a theme. If they do, try this as a supercharge.

Wishing you everything you wish for you in 2021.