How Does Violence In A Remote Aboriginal Community Relate To The Workplace?
I have shared these words in a number of places this week, including in the media, in response to the omnipresent divide being driven through Alice Springs. The current unrest has come after the death of an Aboriginal man in Yuendumu, a remote Aboriginal community...
Are Your Most Junior Staff Having The Most Difficult Conversations?
I picked up a rental car recently from a company trialing a new digital check-in process. The last screen read ‘I agree that this is a true representation of the condition of the vehicle’. It had a place for me to sign for said vehicle – that would be the vehicle I...
Being A Great Manager Is Not A Popularity Contest
For five years I lived with 70 teenagers from towns and Aboriginal communities all over the Northern Territory. Those five years taught me 100x more about management than anything I had done to date. In that microcosm, it was well known which staff were liked and...