Set You And Your Team Up For 2020
It’s that time of the year when most of us become introspective about the year ahead. Can I ask though, does that include some retrospection on 2019? What secret (or not so secret) messages did the universe deliver you in 2019? Knowledge is power and knowing this...
Three Innovative Ways to Engage Staff Using Social Media
I’ve worked for a number of organisations that have attempted to write a social medial policy. Some revert to plagiarising, others make a concerted effort to craft something bespoke. Most policies end up reflecting a fear of staff being let loose and the consequences...
Action May Not Always Bring Happiness, but There is no Happiness Without Action
How much time do you spend in your day putting out grass fires? Old Henry James, who wrote the quote above, may be onto one of the reasons that occurs. At first glance, not addressing something often appears to be the easy option. We lull ourselves into thinking...
Community Development – It’s Enough to Make Your Taxpayer Dollar Cry
I’ve worked with Aboriginal communities for about a decade: in strategic planning, community development, communications, logistics and governance. I’ll be frank – I’ve seen some extreme examples of tokenism when it comes to closing the gap and empowering communities....