Why Managers Avoid Having Difficult Conversations
A number of years ago, I met a CEO whose team members were running riot! They were stealing, falsifying timesheets, sleeping on shift and ignoring instructions. Our CEO’s plea was for me to find out why, then suggest ways he and his management team could deal with...
A Masterclass on Staff Engagement from The Queen
It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to steal a top-class formula from a pro for managing people. And it’s not every day that it comes straight out the pages of the fairy tale that is the British Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II provided a great...
Staff coming to work sick? Maybe it’s your workplace culture that’s sick!
Presenteeism, according to writer and comedian Joe Queenan, is:“A situation that arises when sick employees drag their forlorn carcasses into the office and waste everyone else’s time by hacking their way through their working day on an empty tank.”We’ve all been that...
Emotional Intelligence, 13 Epic Fails And How To Avoid Them
One of the easiest ways to recognise emotional intelligence or EI, is by seeing what it’s definitely not.And the gold star example of that is David Brent from the British version of The Office. You remember him – boasting about a promotion in front of staff who have...