0413 992 378 hello@libbyo.com.au

Consider this; if you are working on task X but task Y is important to your manager, how’s that going to end? 

What’s more, making sure you are both working to the big boss’s agenda is super important – #smartcareermove. Not because you need the brownie points, but because working smarter, not harder means going home earlier and/or less stressed!

At its core, working efficiently comes back to how well your organisation’s guiding principles and strategic documents are rolled out.  It’s not enough to put them on the web, bright and shiny for your stakeholders to marvel at, your staff need to know them and live them.

I know I sound like a nerd who has stitched together one too many strategic plans, but seriously, this stuff doesn’t need to be boring and bureaucratic when done correctly.  

Please get in touch if only the CEO and the Communications Manager can tell you what’s in your guiding documents or if your team need to fall in love with them in a fresh and relevant way. It’s one of my favourite subjects as it really does increase engagement, increase morale and increase efficiency – all the buzz words that are sure to get your CEO’s attention.  #smartcareermove!