Is Authority Dying? How Can You Learn To Influence Instead?
Not Happy, Jan! Sitting in my home office in the burbs of Alice Springs on a glorious Thursday morning, a car pulls into my driveway. It was an unnamed gentlemen from a Northern Territory department. Apparently, he had come to give me a lesson on how NOT to...
How To Maintain Innovation, Productivity and Agility In A Post Pandemic World
It’s probably safe to say that your organisation has never been as supercharged as it has been in the year of Covid. Daily, I hear stories from clients about quick-fire decisions, brilliant ideas put straight into practice and – best of all – the relaxing of...
The Four Words That Sink Policies
The most important thing to remember before your start speed-typing your new policy is this: policies are legally binding documents and words create obligations – both for the employee and the employer. In the short term, the words in your policies establish the kind...
Policy That Drives Ownership, Engagement And Productivity
One of your organisational documents that’s probably gotten a workout lately is your Crisis Management Policy. The Technology Policy and your HR Policies have probably been working overtime, too. As would your Debt Recovery Policy, your Travel Policy, your Fund...