0413 992 378 hello@libbyo.com.au

Your Success

A range of individual solutions to develop confidence and capability for the individual or the team

Results Focused Corporate Coaching and Management Courses

√   Support for middle managers to discover their best

√   Accountability for senior managers who demand results

The course wasn’t just someone standing there telling you what to do; Libby made us think about how we could improve our practice.
Carmella Destro

Acting Training and Education Manager, Tennant Creek Hospital

Hello, Hello! 

Thank you for your interest in coaching, training and mentoring for yourself or your team. The fact that you’re reading this means you recognise potential and are ready to make it materialise. You’re my sort of client. 

My services are designed to deliver measurable results for individuals and teams in a range of areas: 

   Increased performance
   Greater engagement and responsibility 
Enhanced job satisfaction
Fostering of potential  

But beyond all of these benefits, what coaching really provides is an unrivalled return on investment for the organisation. Research by HR giant Korn Ferry indicates that 25-40% of Fortune 500 companies use coaches and enjoy up to 6:1 return on their investment. 

I have over 30 years’ experience managing staff, spanning non-government organisations, small businesses, local government and federal government. This has made me comfortable in any corporate setting, working with people from all walks of life.  

The organisations I work with tell me I am knowledgeable, supportive, intelligent and non-judgemental as I step them towards positive professional outcomes. These include: 

   A range of solutions that focus on your individual situation, addressing your day-to-day challenges and strategic goals
   Flexible and contemporary service delivery that fits your workplace 

I partner with organisations to reduce their staff turnover and increase their standing with their stakeholders, including future employees. 

Read on to find out how we can devise a program together that will produce a 6:1 ROI for you or your organisation. 

Libby’s course inspired me. It’s about taking a different view, a new approach. I am applying what I learned every day. 

Cibin Thoompukal

Operations Manager, Tennant Creek Hospital

Products and Services 

Through listening to your unique challenges and situation, we can mix and match a range of solutions to meet your needsEvery session is tailored to your organisation, your requirements and the future you want to see.

1. Management Mastery  Management Courses

Regional and remote businesses face the same challenges as metropolitan businesses… and then some! In order to lead engaged teams, our managers need: 

   Emotional intelligence
   A broad skills base
   An innovative approach
   An aptitude for excellence
   Sound relationships
   Self reflection

New managers leave my courses with a toolbox of practical skills and strategies that they can apply immediatelyas well as into the future. I aim to build sound, repeatable habits.

What’s more, as your managers grow and develop, they are welcome to attend my Management Mastery course as many times as they need  and that’s for free. As their perspective and capacity shifts, what they take from the course will also change.

Management Mastery courses can be completed face-to-face or remotely, providing ultimate flexibility for participants and their managers.

2. Corporate Training 

Imagine a program designed to drive the needs and aspirations of your organisation… I will work with you to provide a fully customised solution that addresses your unique requirements.  

Skilled at the art of drawing out ideas and solutions from your staff, I will work with your teams to create outcomes:  

   With builtin accountability measures 
   That stimulate ideas that staff can own and get excited about
To focus attention on your strategic plan and other guiding documentation
That address skill set as well as mindset 

3. Individual Coaching 

The Rolls Royce in terms of results and therefore return on investment, individual coaching is the ultimate tool for organisations and individuals who want to maximise their human resource.  

Individual coaching produces results that cannot be achieved through any other means. 

For the staff member receiving the coaching, my aim is to lead them on a thought-provoking and creative journey, providing tools and inspiration to maximise personal and professional potential. 

For the person I’m coaching, I offer: 

   A tailored solution aimed at meeting the individual where they are
   Tangible and realistic solutions to real-life operational challenges
Strategies to increase competency, productivity and efficiency
Skills to build in the areas of resilience, emotional intelligence and confidence
Goal setting in line with the person’s needs and those of their organisation
Accountability mechanisms to guarantee outcomes
Self-reflection to increase results 

The return on investment for the organisation comes from: 

   Maximising the employee’s talents and potential
   Increased performance and productivity
Increased innovation, creativity and problemsolving
Improved peoplemanagement skills
Greater motivation and engagement 
   Clarifying and strengthening the managerstyle
Improved relationships across the organisation
Achieving KPIs and goals established for coaching sessions by the senior manager
   Knockon effects that flow through to other staff 
   Increased loyalty and retention 

Accountability mechanisms are designed in collaboration between the organisation, the individual and the coach to drive and cement results. By aiming for a balance between support and challenge, together we can reach our shared goals for continuous improvement. 

I was inspired by a different approach. It makes complete sense.
Jillian Taylor

Administration Manager, North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency

4. Group Coaching 

Group coaching is increasing in popularity for good reason. Combining the benefits of corporate training and individual coaching, group coaching: 

   Offers new skills according to the participants’ stipulated needs
   Provides bespoke solutions to day-to-day challenges
Stimulates cross-fertilisation and peersupported learning  
Is structured around accountability to support lasting change
Has a flexible range of topics depending on group dynamics and need 
Is cost effective 
May feature guest coaches or consultants according to the group’s requirements 

The true richness of this medium comes from the peerlearning process. A small group of individuals inevitably stimulate each other’s growth and learningwhilst being guided and carefully facilitated by the coach. 

At the same time, personal reflection means participants often see their own story or scenario reflected in the words and learning of another participant.  

 If you’re looking to upskill as well as address individual day-to-day challenges in an affordable and unique forum, group coaching could be the best fit for you or your organisation.  

 All sessions are recorded, freeing you from having to manage everyone’s schedule to ensure attendance 

Kicking goals this week. Feeling extremely capable and motivated. Your coaching has given me a lot of confidence.
Lauren Penman

Primary Health Care Manager, Purple House

5. Corporate Coaching 

Developed specifically for organisations who recognise the immense value of coaching and want many of their staff to benefit. Organisations who want more. Organisations who seek to: 

With all the advantages of individual coaching and corporate training, this service provides your organisation with five one-hour individual coaching sessions per month at an economical price. 

   Challenge their workforce
   Invest in their staff
   Drive innovation
   Explore the boundaries
   Address issues
   Free up senior managers to focus on operational matters
   Become an employer of choice

 While it would be possible for different staff members to attend sessions each month, both staff and organisation will see greater benefits if the same employees can participate in regular, repeat sessions. 

 Focusing on the individual, corporate coaching takes an organisational view and unpacks it at the individual level. Organisational values and guiding documents are woven onto coaching sessions so that all staff are on the same page. 

 Your corporate coach becomes an extension of your organisation – relationships are forged and success compounds.  

Sessions take place in your workspace or online, and address both skill set and mindset.  

Corporate coaching is a targeted and efficient way to: 

   Focus on organisational strategies and set outcomes
   Boost team performance
Improve employee engagement
   Provide tools for continuous performance improvement
Facilitate a proactive learning and action process
Uncover organisation-wide issues  

If you’re looking to be an employer of choice, corporate coaching is a cost effective and unique way to invest in staff skills and development without major interruptions to service delivery. 

Libby means business. She gets results with her knowledge and her fantastic humour.
Michael Davis

former Regional Waste Coordinator, MacDonnell Regional Council

Libby Who?

Having lived and worked in in regional and remote Australia for most of my life, I’m well versed in the unique challenges faced by organisations in the bush. 

I bring a hugely diverse career to the table.  

I’ve worked with Heads of State and Government from all over the world at Parliament House in Canberra, in remote villages in the Himalayas, for major media outlets and in small businesses.  

Since moving to the Northern Territory in 2008, I’ve had the pleasure of managing teams at NPY Women’s Council, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Remote Health Division and the Central Desert Regional Council. I also coordinated 6000 wellbehaved beanies and 150 enthusiastic volunteers when I managed the Alice Springs Beanie Festival. 

Each of these positions afforded me the professional highlight of travelling through the deserts of the NT, WA and SA, where I worked with Aboriginal elders, supporting them to sustain culture and build strong communities.  

However, it was after watching so many new managers struggle in this uniquely challenging environment of rural Australia that I decided to put to work what was then almost two decades of training in the personal development field and certify as a personal coach. Through marrying my professional experience with my passion for bringing out the best in people, I’ve haven’t “worked” a day since. 

Whether you are looking to:  

   Solve a corporate challenge
   Increase your team’s knowledge base
   Better utilise staff resources
Improve engagement
Increase innovation or 
Increase the efficiency of service delivery 

I have a package to suit.

Undoubtedly you will have questions. I look forward to exploring them with you and to supporting you to discover your best. 

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