October Business Month
At Libby O, we work for clients for the long haul. However, just once a year we run short workshops as part of the Northern Territory Government’s October Business Month.
We plan these courses carefully to deliver bang-for-buck and tackle your biggest business headaches from how to have difficult conversations to keeping the staff you have. Whether you’re a new boss or the big boss, our events will help you be the best boss.
A great way to peek under the Libby O hood while picking up skills you’ll use for a lifetime.
Join our mailing list to hear when tickets are released!
What Participants Say
I used to think having challenging conversations was daunting and scary. I now have skills that make me more effective as an influencer. I no longer need to micromanage or use my authority to get engagement.
Great advice on how to keep good staff.
Great workshop. Amazing insights into clients and staff.
Subscribe To Stay In Touch
From time to time I send out morsels that help you work smarter, not harder; hints and tips, research and statistics from the masters who study this stuff or early bird specials on upcoming courses.
Come on a 'no spam' journey with me.
You can always change your mind later.
TAKSINDU PTY LTD trading as Libby O
PO Box 2710
Darwin City NT 0801
ABN 31 490 458 398